Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A December 28th Welcome

First Entry on New Blog
Back in Philly
Since I am 50 and I am starting over again,  I figured it was time to start a new blog. Why the title, you might ask?Well, on Facebook someone sent a message that my profile photo made me look like FREEKSHOW ON PARADE. A friend and I thought that was a hoot and a blog was born.
Alot has happened since November 1st when I last blogged. I was an ardent blogger and wrote about personal stuff and political stuff as well. One day, I hope to have a blog that is narrowly focused on a topic I know about, such as welfare, blogging, politics, drinking, remodeling apartments, (Ha.ha).
To the right is a screenshot of the old HP I bought for $136. Man wanted $150 but that was not going to be the case since that 136 was all I had at the time. It works pretty good. It freezes in sleep mode and the screen sometimes goes awry. Unlike my
iPhone, I can watch Jon Stewart since Apple does not take Flash Player. I found some photos of some dudes and one man having fun with his lady.
Well, that's all for now. I am going to try to pick a decent template for this.

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